Giving Opportunities
Beginnings is a non-profit ministry that exists because of financial support from caring individuals, local churches, and area businesses and organizations. We have 2 major fundraising events each year: an annual banquet and also a baby bottle fundraiser. If you'd like to be part of these fun events, please contact us to learn more!
Financial Support
Everyday is an opportunity to give when it comes to the important life-saving and life-changing work of Beginnings! We gladly welcome and deeply appreciate any size of gift, any time of year!
In-Kind Donations
Everyone loves to shop for babies! Our Baby Boutique is stocked with almost anything and everything needed for babies, and maternity items too! We always accept baby formula, diapers, wipes, and Wal-mart or Amazon gift cards. If you have any other items that you would like to donate to our Baby Boutique, contact us and we can let you know what items we need!
Quick Links
Get in Touch
415 East John Street
O’Neill, NE 68763
(402) 336-4343